Friday, September 16, 2011

meet flash

I like using flash it was very awesome.It was kinda hard but it was fun at the time. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

children of heaven

The movie was great it was about he loses he sisters shoes.she was going to tell her dad but he start to cry she said ok I wont.For the whole time she didn't have shoes they always tradeshoes and he will alway be late for class.The princlepul would alway get mad at him.The little girl saw a girl with her shoes.She took her brother and they followed her home and her dad was blind so they felt bad and  didn't take the shoes back.Ali heard about a race he tryed to get thired place to get shoes for his sister but he end up getting first. But the dad ending up buying them new shoes.

The ways they didn't fit they weren't carrying guns. The men don't were a hat bujiger.And the thing that fits the woman covers   there hair. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

what happened?

In 9/11/01 what would of happen if the hijackers  didn't jack  the planes?would the leader  kill  the family or kill them ?Did they get forces or did they want to?

Friday, September 2, 2011

my single story

They say I can't play football because I'm a girl.But when I start to play.They ask me me if  want to play with them after  school.Every day after school  I played  with them.They let me play in any position.They always told me girls can't catch and throw.They said you would have to take the pain.From them throwing the the ball to you or when they tackel you or when you fall.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The danger of single storty

When you have a single story is when you have a racist commet or joke about somebody,even a stereo type.