Monday, October 17, 2011

tempest in cresent city

Some people couln't leave and it looks poor they mostly stay in the attic.Because you really have to do that because some peopledo get stuck.Umm... because it's hard to find at night.It  did because have they had to suffer. - Similar
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Thursday, October 13, 2011

playing to learn

the game i'm most intersed is action games.  Because i like shoooting runing and geting chased.How can they make them chase you and dont  do any thing. :p

Thursday, October 6, 2011

mini game

This week we made a   2-D mini game in flash.We had to save then save as publish then put it in are projects page the upload it.Then blog about it.How i made the  carrot,bunny and the wolf move we got codes for them copy and paste to put in the action scpites. Then we made the wolf block the rabbit from getting the carrot. When the rabbit got carrot the wolf would go get the rabbit and make it go back.Where it started it from.Then we put the score in so  when the rabbit gets the carrot so it can give it points and when the wolf touches the rabbit it decrease the rabbit points. The hard part was when we put the codes in because they had  to be right in the right spot spell correctly have to be the same.If you did a little error it would work til you find what  was wrong.Even it was just a little mistake.It wold work.I learn were to put code and what the codes mean.

Monday, October 3, 2011

be the change

    On Saturday I was picking up trash it made me feel happy because I was  help   the National Park .  I would also be part of planting  new trees and and flowers.  And help clean the rivers that have alot of trash in them.